Sunday, February 27, 2011

Super Easy Morning Face Routine

This video is just to show you all that You may think you have no time to put on makeup in the morning but... turns out it only takes about five minutes to be looking fresh faced and confident throught the day!!!

Click  on the link to watch how easy it can be!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

MakeupWithMarina... 400 Subscribers!!!

Google Images of MakeupWithMarina

Yeyy!!! Thank you to all of my subscribers for 400 :) I am flattered. Heres a advanced notice: I will be hosting a contest at 500 subscribers!!!

So stay tuned, stay subscribed and spread the word <3

Huge Love, 


I am Number Four the Movie

Release Date: February 18 2011
Was it Awesome?:  YES [This is a video I made after I read the book a few weeks ago... I thought I did a pretty good job :)  ]

On the Set of I am Number Four

So I saw the movie in AVHD. I was awesome though the screen went blank halfway through the movie... but it was rewound and we ended up with a free movie ticket!!!
Haha, anyway, it was very good. Very to-the-book which is always a plus since the book was so good!
Alex Pettyfer's voice sometimes broke through and you could here his British accent, but really you wouldn't notice... I was kind of listening for it.
The movie goes by quickly. we don't get to see John's training at all, his powers just sort of come and he doesn't speak to Bernie Kosar :(
But Bernie Kosar is in the movie none the less :D

Bernie Kosar

All in all I'll tell you it was amazing and I plan on going to see it again :)

Definitely Recommended!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I am Number Four the Book

Wooow I talk about books a lot!
But this book is... :O
Yes its amazing just like Beastly it made me keep reading until my eyes hurt!

Out of 5 I give it a 5 :D
So What's it about?
John is an extraordinary teen, masking his true identity and passing as a typical high school student to elude a deadly enemy seeking to destroy him. Three like him have already been killed ... he is Number Four.

if you want to know more about this book and why it is so amazing I will be posting a Book Talk in my Channel
I will post a link here as soon as that video is up and running so you guys can here more about it if you are interested!!

Movie Release: February 18, 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eeeep!

Something that Confuses me about this book is the author... I don't really think his or her name is really Pittacus Lore... in the back of the book you can read his bio and it says he is an Elder from the Planet Lorien.... so... I don't really know what that is about but it certainly makes it more interesting!!!