Wednesday, May 26, 2010

MTV Picks up "Teen Wolf," Emma Watson and Logan Lerman to be "Wallflowers"

SO you all know how I am in love with Logan Lerman and how Emma Watson is like my inspiration for EVERYTHING well take look an article I found on the both of them:

"Harry Potter‘s Emma Watson and Percy Jackson and the Olympians‘ Logan Lerman are in negotiations to star in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which is based on a book that “has been on the American Library Assn.’s list of the 10 most frequently challenged for reasons including the treatment of drugs, sex, and suicide.” Sniff. They grow up so fast."

"The upcoming adaptation of The Perks of Being a Wallflower is set to be a low-budget indie production, but writer/director/author of the novel Stephen Chbosky may look to grander blockbuster fantasy fare for his leads with the likes of Logan Lerman and Emma Watson in contention. Since Sony is not yet willing to make him the new Spider-Man, Variety reports that Lerman may follow up Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief with this coming-of-age drama. Likewise, if Watson signs on, Wallflower would represent her first feature film role outside of the Harry Potter franchise.
Published by MTV (wait, what?) in 1999, The Perks of Being a Wallflower tells the story of a teen who assumes the alias “Charlie”, and describes the various events of his high school life in letters to an anonymous person."

So I am super excited :)

Monday, May 24, 2010


So today I picked up a few things; this is just a taste. When my birthday comes I will do another haul and show you the goodies and you can request reviews :) I love watching hauls so if you don't I'm sorry
Marina xoxo

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I cannot wait for the MAC To The Beach Collection to come out! In Canada it hits stores on May 27 but its online on May 26

Watch this video by Temptila on the upcoming collection!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Emma Watson and People Tree

Mission Statement

People Tree's mission

To support producer partners' efforts towards economic independence and control over their environment and to challenge the power structures that undermine their rights to a livelihood.

To protect the environment and use natural resources sustainably throughout our trading and to promote environmentally responsible lifestyles and environmental initiatives to create new models to promote sustainability.

To supply customers with good quality products, with friendly and efficient service and build awareness to empower consumers and producers to participate in Fair Trade and environmentally sustainable solutions.

To provide a supportive environment to all stakeholders and promote dialogue and understanding between them.

To set an example to business and the government of a Fair Trade model of business based on partnership, people-centred values and sustainability.

Friday, May 7, 2010

May 7, 2010

So I just recorded an update video to explain some things. This months monthly contest info is in that video. So once its uploaded I'll let you all know on Twitter!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I have a 20 Questions video that YouTube is not letting me upload so I will make a new one tomorrow, as well as an update video, so look forward to those!!
I am realy looking froward to this blogging and if you can just bare with me until I get the hang of it I'll be posting stuff like crazy before you know it!

xoxo Marina!


So hopefully I will have the chance to post on this blog regularly and update you all on my videos and other great stuff. Check back here on days I don't put up a video because more than likely I'll have a makeup tip of the day or some pictures for you guys!

xoxo Marina